Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Yak did it!

Did you know that the main sorce to burn in the mountains of Nepal is Yak Dung?

As the cold weather has hit us here in the East coast this photo came to mind!  As we hiked up higher and higher wood for burning became a real problem since there was little to be seen. Heat was a real need as we moved up the mountain. Well that's one reason they have Yak's in Nepal. Every place we passed we could see piles of Yak dung sitting in the sunshine drying. They then take the dung and store it in a shed like the one I'm standing in. It is a strange source to burn but it really did a nice job to heat the commons room at night and in the morning. It gets kind of smoky in the room but there is no smell. With the thin air and the Dung smoke your lungs struggle to get  the air you need sometime. Guess it is better the no heat!

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